About me.
Since July 2011, I have been holding a Full Professor position at the Department of Mathematics, The Pennsylvania State University.
I received my Ph.D. degree in Mathematics from Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" in Sofia, Bulgaria.
I have attended the Mathematics High School in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria (class of 1981; the site is in Bulgarian).
I am working in the general area of computational mathematics. My research is focused on numerical methods for partial differential equations; numerical linear algebra; multilevel methods for linear systems and optimization; nonlinear approximation tools in compression of data and machine learning; and the applications of such mathematical techniques in hydrogeology, resource economics, physics and other sciences.
[Google Scholar] [MathSciNet] [arXiv] [Zentralblatt MATH]
Ph.D. students.
Software. Together with Xiaozhe
Hu (Tufts) and James Adler
(Tufts) I am one of the authors of the
HAZmath: A Simple Finite Element, Graph, and Solver Library, which provides basic finite element and graph routines.
Undergraduate research.
Contact info.
Ludmil Zikatanov, Department of Mathematics, 239 McAllister building, Penn State, University Park, PA, 16802
Skype ID: ltz.math
E-mail: <ludmil.math AT gmail DOT com>